The hidden costs of fixed routes
At first glance, fixed routes may seem the most efficient. Drivers know their way around, know exactly where they need to be, and everything seems to run smoothly. But what if the reality is different? Without regular optimisation, routes become based on outdated information. Road closures, diversions and works remain out of sight, causing drivers to make unnecessary detours and lose extra time. This can lead to higher costs and inefficiencies. Here are some examples of the main cost drivers incur when your drivers keep driving fixed routes:
Unnecessary mileage and fuel costs
Fixed routes do not take into account changes such as new customers and changed delivery addresses. This can lead to unnecessary mileage, causing vehicles to travel longer and consume more fuel than necessary. Imagine a driver driving 10 extra kilometres every day due to a non-optimised route. At a fuel consumption of 1 litre per 10 kilometres with a price of €1.75 per litre, this means an extra cost of €455 per working year (standard working year of 260 working days, net of weekends and holidays). And that is only for one vehicle per year. Multiply this by the number of vehicles in your fleet, and you can see how quickly the costs add up.
Lost time and productivity
Every extra kilometre also means extra time on the road - time that drivers could have spent on additional deliveries or efficient handling of their current load. This lost time translates directly to lower productivity. If a driver drives an extra 30 minutes every day, you lose 130 hours of productive time per driver per year. At an average hourly rate of €25 per hour, this costs €3,250 per year per driver.
Increased wear and tear on vehicles
More kilometres also mean faster wear and tear on vehicles. This leads to higher maintenance costs and shorter fleet life. Although often overlooked, these costs can be significant in the long run. For example, if the life of a vehicle is shortened by 10% due to extra mileage and the replacement cost is €50,000 per vehicle, this will cost your organisation an extra €5,000 per vehicle per year.
With just one vehicle, the hidden costs of fixed routes in this example already add up to €8,705. This means that a fleet of four vehicles quickly incurs over €30,000 in unnecessary costs.