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More package delivery due to increase in online consumer behavior

Written by: Kendra Rosier
More and more people are shopping online. Especially in the past year, staying at home as much as possible is playing a big role. Because of the many online purchases, the number of home deliveries is also increasing. How to capitalize on this as a business, read our blog.

The benefits of RouteLogic at a glance

Avoiding traffic jams
Create your delivery route in seconds with RouteLogic. This way, you avoid traffic jams and take into account the expected weather using Artificial Intelligence.
Send track-and-trace
Let your customers know what time you will be there by SMS and e-mail. With accurate and dynamic window times, your customer always knows exactly what time you will be there. So you get more 5-star reviews.
Save at least 70% time and fuel!
By creating routes in RouteLogic, you save hours of time planning each day. You will also save at least 70% fuel, thanks to more efficient and faster route calculation.
Handy Driver app
(iOS, Android and web version)

Your drivers exactly what needs to be done. With the app, your drivers easily navigate to the addresses, sign for receipt and automatically receive an SMS or e-mail when an order has been delivered.

Link your webshop, CRM or other application

Your orders automatically in RouteLogic with the API connection. So that you no longer have to do any manual work. You can also add assignments manually or via an Excel file.

Online purchases on the rise

The Netherlands sits at home en masse. We go out to do some shopping, but otherwise have little social contact. Even the monthly shopping trip to the city is out of the question. According to Emerce, as a result of the intelligent lockdown, the number of online purchases in the Netherlands is rising by seven percent. In which some categories such as food/groceries made a growth of 62%!

Online consumer behavior

The Dutch are doing more and more online. From buying clothes to ordering groceries: they can do it all. In 2019, the Dutch spent a total of 25.8 billion euros online. That is 7% more than a year earlier. The biggest growth within online spending is in Food/Nearfood. 

Online consumer behavior is also rising, due in part to intelligent lockdown. Online spending has been rising for years, but even faster in the past year. The Dutch reported ordering online to avoid social contact, because stores were closed and because they were not allowed to leave the house. 

Consequences of increase in online purchases

Being increasingly online-oriented affects several factors. For example, local businesses are selling less, because there is increasing competition on the Internet. Online, it is possible to order through international web shops, creating competition outside the Dutch market.

In addition, the increase in online purchases is bad for the environment. More returns are being made, which means more transportation has to be used and more plastic is being used. 

The logistics puzzle is becoming increasingly complex

There is more pressure on the logistics department due to the increase in the number of orders. Due to the large number of delivery addresses, multiple cars or buses must be used. This requires tight planning. This makes it interesting for companies to use a route planner.

RouteLogic offers route planning software that calculates efficient and realistic routes in seconds. RouteLogic makes it possible to plan routes from multiple depots and with multiple cars. In addition, RouteLogic removes limitations from other route planners, such as a limit on the number of addresses. 

Efficient route planning with RouteLogic

To calculate a realistic and efficient route, RouteLogic takes into account weather conditions, traffic and agreed time slots with the end customer. This makes planning feasible. Is there still a traffic jam unexpectedly? Then RouteLogic provides means to easily communicate this to your driver or customer.

The customer receives a track-and-trace via e-mail or text message, showing the delivery date and time of the order. The driver can use an app, where insight into the route, orders and important details is provided. RouteLogic is the ideal route planner for both small, and large companies.


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