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Achieving a perfect customer journey is essential for The Barbecue and Buffet Farmer

Achieving a perfect customer journey is essential for The Barbecue and Buffet Farmer

  • Company: The Barbecue and Buffets Farmer

  • Location: Hoevelaken

  • Industry: Food

  • Products: BBQ packages and buffets

When organising a barbecue or buffet, you don't want any uncertainty and to know what time it will be delivered. After all, your guests will be at your door in a few hours. The Barbecue and Buffet Farmer understands this all too well. De Barbecue en Buffetten Boer takes care of barbecues and buffets and aims to relieve the customer of all worries. From shopping to washing up, making it as easy as possible for the customer to throw a party.

The challenge of a perfect customer journey

The customer journey needs to be perfect, especially after the purchase. You don't want to be the one responsible for a party that falls through because you can't keep your appointments. That is why it is essential for The Barbecue and Buffets Farmer to offer a 100% guarantee that they deliver as agreed. The main challenge in the customer journey for The Barbecue and Buffet Farmer.

Old situation

To achieve this, The Barbecue and Buffets Farmer started printing all orders. This contained the addresses and postcodes. The A4s were sorted by postcode to plan a route and write this route down with a pen. Then the phone was picked up to inform all customers of the expected delivery time for the next day. Partly due to a growth in number of orders, a time-consuming process. The agreed delivery times were often unachievable due to circumstances such as weather or traffic jams on that next day. In addition, in the old situation the drivers had no overview of the route to be driven, the agreed times and whether he was going to meet them or not. There was room for improvement here to pursue the perfect customer journey and to make their own work more efficient. 

People are increasingly busy and are less at home, experiences The Barbecue and Buffets Farmer. They don't feel like sitting at home all day waiting for their order. The most precise time frame possible for delivery is therefore desirable. The driver also benefits from this. They are no longer standing in front of a closed door because the customer has gone on a quick errand anyway. The better the communication to the customer is, the easier the work will be for the drivers.

Meeting customer expectations

"The bigger you get, the more you are compared to other big guys in the market," says The Barbecue and Buffets Farmer. "People are simply used to a certain standard during an ordering process which they expect us to offer. We naturally want to meet that expectation."

The challenge for De Barbecue en Buffetten Boer is to find a suitable routing software, with which guarantees can be made about the delivery time. This way, customers can be taken by the hand.

The solution and ease of automation

In discussion with the digital agency that De Barbecue en Buffetten Boer works with, OrangeTalent, the choice for RouteLogic was made. Because OrangeTalent is personally involved with RouteLogic, the software could be completely tailored to the wishes of De Barbecue en Buffetten Boer. Integrated with the webshop and fully scalable to the growth of De Barbecue en Buffetten Boer. Route planning automatically takes into account capacity, loading and unloading time and returns to create the most accurate planning possible.

"We used to spend three hours planning 50 addresses. Today, we plan 250 addresses within 20 minutes. And at the click of a button, all customers get a notification about the expected delivery of their order."

The customer gets full insight into the status of the order through a track-and-trace link sent by SMS and/or e-mail. They experience this communication as very clear and know exactly what time the driver will be at the door. Even any delays incurred are automatically communicated to the customer in this.

"The customer journey has increased tremendously by using RouteLogic. We have had 25% higher reviews since then and often read back in reviews that customers are very pleased with the clear communication from our own delivery service."

-Dick Kevelam - founder The BBQ & Buffets Farmer


How they experience this collaboration they tell in the video below.

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